Caring for grandchildren

Caring for grandchildren

Caring for grandchildren How it can help you boost your State Pension Around one in five grandparents over the age of 50 in the UK provide childcare help for their grandchildren, but thousands may be missing out on a valuable scheme that could increase their State...
Minimise Inheritance Tax

Minimise Inheritance Tax

Minimise Inheritance Tax Allow your loved ones to benefit more from your accumulated wealth Effective planning minimises the burden of Inheritance Tax (IHT), allowing your loved ones to benefit more from your accumulated wealth. If the value of your estate is above...
Downsizing in later life

Downsizing in later life

Downsizing in later life Research highlights what people consider before making the decision Data has revealed that while a third of over-45s (29%) say they have plans to downsize in the next five years, just 13% of over-75s have actually made the move[1]. As people...
Retirees supporting family and friends financially

Retirees supporting family and friends financially

Retirees supporting family and friends financially Nearly 40% support grown-up children, a spouse or partner, a parent, an elderly relative, or a friend When times are hard, it makes sense that families will look for ways to support each other emotionally and...
Building financial confidence in children

Building financial confidence in children

Building financial confidence in children Sharing values and encouraging children to formulate their own Having a conversation with children about money early on helps them to build financial confidence and learn foundational principles that will be useful for years...