Live for today. Plan for tomorrow.

We work with you to set meaningful goals, empowering you to define financial success on your own terms, and helping you to achieve what’s most important to you.

How we work

We help you to establish meaningful goals, empower you to define what financial success means to you and help you to achieve what’s important in your life. Firstly we meet with you to listen, structure and implement your personal financial plan, then we provide ongoing support where we review, with you, the progress of your plan to ensure you remain on track.

Who we are

We are a firm of enthusiastic financial planners, based in South Wales, who are simply passionate about what we do. With many years’ experience, our clients are at the centre of every part of the process. Listening attentively, understanding what is important, and simply taking the time to structure a financial plan, that is built on solid foundations, are what makes us different.

Industry News

Caring for grandchildren

Caring for grandchildren

How it can help you boost your State PensionAround one in five grandparents over the age of 50 in the UK provide childcare help for their grandchildren, but thousands may be missing out on a valuable scheme that could increase their State Pension entitlement[1]....

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Minimise Inheritance Tax

Minimise Inheritance Tax

Allow your loved ones to benefit more from your accumulated wealthEffective planning minimises the burden of Inheritance Tax (IHT), allowing your loved ones to benefit more from your accumulated wealth. If the value of your estate is above the £325,000 threshold...

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Only two-fifths of Britons know how to boost their Pension

Only two-fifths of Britons know how to boost their Pension

How much money will you have for retirement, where it’s invested, and what are you being charged?According to new research[1], just two-fifths (42%) of the UK population know how to contribute more to their pension. The study also found that a quarter of those with...

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